Art » Art



It is the belief of the Art Educators of Cranston Public Schools that quality visual arts education is a fundamental component to any complete elementary, middle and senior high education and has the potential to:

  • Enhances cognitive, affective and psychomotor development.
  • Encourage individuality and divergent thinking through problem solving and risk taking.
  • Expand creativity and effective non-verbal communication.
  • Foster and appreciation of cultural diversity, heritage, history and disciplines.
  • Develop a respect for the uniqueness and creativity of themselves and others.
  • Provide a lasting appreciation of art forms experienced as an active participant and as an audience.
  • Provide a basis for personal growth.
  • Bring meaning of the role of the arts in cultures and societies, and in people’s daily lives.
  • Convey the important contributions of the arts and artists to societies and cultures, past and present.
  • Offer a foundation for the skills necessary to pursue one of the careers in the arts.